Sandaig Nursery
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The Curriculum

Promoting Learning

At Sandaig Nursery. the curriculum is informed by the Scottish Government’s - A Curriculum for Excellence.

The philosophy of the early year’s curriculum is based on play which is the vehicle for learning, delivering active learning opportunities so that children may become active learners, developing skills and concepts needed for living in a multi-cultural society.

The purpose of a Curriculum for Excellence is encapsulated in the four capacities listed below.






We promote learning through a balanced curriculum to suit all stages of development. We take into consideration children’s interests as well as seasonal and cultural topics. The nursery provides structured and unstructured activities suitable for all stages of development, which are planned by staff and assessed on a daily basis. This plan is displayed on the corridor wall.

Learning is promoted through consultation with children and parents and staff observations of the development needs and interests. With this knowledge staff plan appropriate experiences so they are able to develop their; Literacy skills, Numeracy skills, Health and Wellbeing, Science, Imaginative skills and Physical skills. For our youngest children the curriculum develops; Curiosity, Communication and language development, Emotional and social development and Physical development.


Further information on Curriculum for Excellence can be found at


What we do:

In nursery we aim to build on the learning that you have started at home and help children develop the skills and attitudes that they will need in life. We continually build on what they know and use their interests to meet their needs and provide them with challenges through purposeful play, indoor and outdoor.

The Staff in the Nursery will:


  • Connect the learning to what children already know.  If children make connections to something they are already familiar with, they will be confident in demonstrating what they know and are more motivated to take part in the activities.
  • Share the learning intention and success criteria. Sharing the purpose of the experience enables children to be focused and successful in learning through play.


  • Make learning active. We do this by learning through real life situations, problem solving approaches, play and encouraging children to work with each other


  • Demonstrate understanding. Children can show their understanding in different ways, including presenting to others, explaining their learning, debating, making a model or poster, drawing, writing, question and answer opportunities.
  • Review and recall learning. Nursery staff will allow some time to review and assess the learning that has taken place.



Staff regularly monitor and record children’s progress and development in each area of the curriculum.  Progress and achievement will be recorded in your child’s Learning Journal. Please look and see how well your child is doing and feel free to add our comments too!

Assessment data influences what we do next in our plans for children’s learning and influences our improvement agenda.

Progress meetings - We organise formal parent’s meetings twice during the year when we can exchange information about your child’s development/progress in Nursery.  Parents/Carers are also welcome to discuss their child’s progress on an informal basis with staff throughout the year or to request a meeting with the Head of Nursery or child’s key worker.


Nursery/Primary Transition Record

The assessment information collected is summarised and used in the Transition Record for Primary school. The content of the report will be discussed with parent/carers. A copy will be given to parents and a copy will be sent to your child’s Primary School, as it is critical that the move from nursery to Primary School is as smooth a process as possible.

Nursery staff  work very closely with all associated Primary Schools and Early Years’ establishments on aspects of Transition to ensure:


• We have: an effective liaison programme established

• We provide primary schools with appropriate information to ensure

   an effective transition

• That the curriculum in primary schools builds on what your child has learned

    at nursery.

Any child requiring and enhanced transition programme is well supported