Sandaig Nursery
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Dear Parent/Carer,

On behalf of the staff team, I offer a warm welcome to you and your child, and ‘thank you’ for choosing Sandaig Nursery.

Our aim is to create a nurturing and supportive environment built on warm, caring relationships and mutual trust and respect, ensuring positive outcomes for all our children and families. Our nursery is non-denominational and as such we respect and welcome children and families of all religions, faiths and beliefs.

During your child’s time at nursery we endeavour for your child to be happy, motivated and challenged.

In partnership with you, we will encourage your child to have a positive attitude to learning, to be confident in their ability, to contribute to the life of the nursery and to develop good citizenship within nursery, our local community and the wider world.

We look forward to working in partnership with you and you joining us at special events and family learning initiatives etc. throughout the year.

We operate an open door policy at all times and if you have any worries or concerns regarding your child then please let us know either through speaking to your child’s key-worker or myself .

Kind regards,

Marie McAllister

Head of Nursery

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